Old Kernel Binaries

Semi-stable Kernel [ http ] (updated June 19, 2001) for use with BootX

Semi-stable Kernel [ http ] (updated June 19, 2001) for use with Apple MkLinux Booter

Semi-stable Kernel with input driver enabled (Required for LinuxPPC2000-Q4 and YDL 2.0) [ http ] (updated June 19, 2001) for use with BootX

Semi-stable Kernel with input driver enabled (Required for LinuxPPC2000-Q4 and YDL 2.0) [ http ] (updated June 19, 2001) for use with Apple MkLinux Booter

Old Kernels with Installers

For use with Apple MkLinux Booter

Note: In lilo.conf, put "rootdev=/dev/ram" as a kernel will be activating an installer on ramdisk which is compiled in with the installer+kernel available here. For LinuxPPC1999, LinuxPPC2000, and LinuxPPC2000-Q4, "mach_options= ramdisk=8192" must be specified in lilo.conf, and, for Yellow Dog Linux 2.0, "mach_options= ramdisk=16384" must be specified.

Kernel with LinuxPPC1999 installer [ http ] (updated June 14, 2001)

Kernel with LinuxPPC2000 installer [ http ] (updated June 14, 2001)

Kernel with LinuxPPC2000-Q4 installer [ http ] (updated June 13, 2001)

Kernel with YellowDogLinux Champion Server 1.2 installer [ http ] (updated June 6, 2001)

For information on Yellow Dog Linux 1.2 installation, please visit Linux on NuBus Power Macintosh maintained by Michael Roeder (mroeder at best dot com).

Kernel with YellowDogLinux 2.0 installer [ http ] (updated June 18, 2001)

Kernel with Debian Potato installer [ http ] (updated June 6, 2001)

For information on Debian installation, please visit Debian/Potato Install Guide maintained by Greg Ingram (ingram at symsys dot com).

Kernel with MkLinux pre-R1 installer [ http ] (updated June 6, 2001)

Click here for latest kernel binaries.

Last updated on June 08, 2003